Welcome to Launch Compass
Ever wondered what it’s like to be a doctor? A lawyer? A developer working at a startup?
All too often students and young professionals make career decisions without really knowing what they’re getting in to. Maybe a suggestion from your parents or an advisor has you considering a certain path, or maybe you’ve done research that makes you think you would perform well in a particular field.
Or, maybe a decision was more arbitrary than you’d like to admit. If you’re only taking the LSAT because you’re pretty sure lawyers make lots of money, you’re not alone – but that doesn’t mean it’s a great idea. Still, with so many options out there, how do you make the career choice that’s best for you?
You Need a Compass
We created Launch Compass to help you navigate the complexities of the working world. While trading time for money sounds simple enough, the stakes are unbelievably high. The average American spends 90,000 hours at work over the course of his or her life, and research from Deloitte indicates that a staggering 87 percent of people have zero passion for that work. While Jim Halpert’s antics on The Office entertained you for multiple seasons (and he eventually wins Pam’s heart – aww) you don’t want to be him.
To avoid landing a job that makes life at Dunder Mifflin look glamorous, you need to know what a profession really entails before you start working toward it. That’s why we have spotlights featuring hundreds of professionals showing you what it’s like to walk a mile in their shoes.
Check them out and see what you can learn. Whether the experience reaffirms your conviction that you’re on the right track or leaves you feeling like you’ve dodged a bullet, you won’t regret it.
Over the average American lifetime, 90,000 hours are spent at work. Launch Compass can help ensure those hours include some of the most rewarding moments of your life.