Does Your Organization Need Talent?
Launch Compass Can Level-Up Your Current Workforce
Lots of companies make the popular claim that their greatest asset is people, but far fewer back it up by making real investments in their employees. That’s a shame, because investing in your employees can yield an incredible return, particularly when you target soft skills.
Deloitte surveyed 11,000 leaders for the 2018 Global Human Capital Trends report and arrived at the conclusion that soft skills like creativity, problem solving, and communication would be the most desirable traits of the future workforce. Those findings aren’t much of a surprise, particularly when viewed in light of 2017 research by the University of Michigan that demonstrated a 12% boost in employee productivity and retention from soft skills training—improvements that helped produce a 256% return on the investment.
If you’re not placing a focus on soft skills training, you’re shortchanging your organization and your workforce. Take the current coronavirus crisis as an example. In the span of weeks or even days, countless organizations around the world (likely including yours) were forced to take preventative measures and conduct operations remotely. In that short time frame, your employees needed to learn on the fly to be effective communicators, team players, critical thinkers, and problem solvers. If you had already invested in training these skills, they could have drawn on that preparation and affected a smoother transition.
Whether it’s business as usual or there’s an unprecedented obstacle, Launch Compass is designed to meet the need for soft skills and help your team be the best it can be. With a holistic curriculum of 172 easily digestible skills divided into 10 broad training categories, you can help empower your current employees to reach their full potential—no matter what circumstances come their way.